+7 495 660-90-90


Official name: Republic of Tajikistan

Political system: Republic

The head of the state: President

Legislature: Two-chamber parliament - Majlis

Geographical location: in the Central Asia

Capital: Dushanbe - 695,2 thousand people

Major cities: Khudjand, Kulyab

Official language: Tajik

Religions: Muslims

Climate: temperate, sharply continental

Average temperature: from -20°C -1°C in January; from +23°C to +30°C in July

Monetary unit: somoni (TJS)

Telephone country code: 992

International country code: TJK

Internet domain: .tj

National holidays: September, 9th - the Independence Day (1991)

Major tourist sights: Romit, Tigrov beam and Dashtidjumsky natural preserves; Pamir mountains: Somoni (Communism) peak - 7495 m, Museum preserve (V-VIII centuries) in Penjikent, in Ura-Tyube: Kok-Gumbaz Mosque (XVI century), Sari-Mazar Ensemble (XVI-XIX centuries); Mausoleums in Khudjand, Kulyab, Chorku, Abdullakhan Mosque (XVI century) in Isfar, remains of Adjina-Tepe Buddhist Monastery (VII-VIII centuries) in Kurgan-Tyube, Ethnographic Museum in Dushanbe, Gissar Fortress

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