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Academservice awarded a prestigious World Travel Awards

Natalia Lipets and the founder of the award Graham Cook

Academservice got the World Travel Awards as World Leading Entertainment Travel Management Company.

The award ceremony was held on November 28 in Oman. On behalf of the company, the prize was received by the Advisor to the Deputy General Director Natalia Lipets. According to her, the received prize is a high assessment of the work of Academservice.

«It is significant that we were awarded this prize on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the company. This is a significant event for the Academservice team. We are proud to be awarded this prize. The insignia like this award help to become more professionals, despite the fact that the company has already accumulated tremendous experience and professionalism over 30 years», – noted Natalia.

The World Travel Awards is one of the most significant international travel awards, that has chosen leaders in various areas of the tourism industry around the world since 1993. WTA is awarded in more than 80 nominations: hotels, tour operators, airlines, attractions, cities and resorts.

In the picture: Natalia Lipets and the founder of the award Graham Cook.

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