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Alexander Kurnosov gave an interview to the Vestnik ATOR

The VESTNIK ATOR portal published an interview with an expert opinion of Alexander Kurnosov, General Director of Academ-Online, on the forecasts of the development of business tourism in Russia for 2023.

Alexander Kurnosov, General Director of Academ-Online:

“The forecast for 2023 was quite negative. Most experts expected a decrease in economic growth rates by 2-2.5% and, as a result, a drop in business activity. But according to the results of the first quarter, this forecast has changed, and most experts say that there will be no significant decline in the economy in 2023.

Since business tourism is largely dependent on the state of the economy, we do not see a decrease of a business activity today. In some segments there is even an increase. It is probably due to the fact that companies are forced to spend significant budgets on business trips to develop new logistics, new production facilities. At the moment, we see that, in general, business activity and the number of business trips remains at the level of the last year.”

The full article can be read by visiting the link.

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