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ACADEM-ONLINE AT THE VI Russian-wide Congress of the Travel Agents

On March 15 was held the VI Russian-wide Congress of the Travel Agents, in which the company Academ-Online took part. From March 15 to 16, the International Trade Center in Moscow was visited by more than 1,600 participants from all over Russia.

The opening of the business program took place in a plenary session with the participation of a Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Dmitry Vakhrukov, a member of the State Duma Committee of Tourism and Development of Tourism Infrastructure Artem Prokofiev, Governor of the Yaroslavl region, Mikhail Evraev, etc. The main topic of discussion was the problems and prospects of agency development in the context of global changes.

Director of Business Processes of Aсadem-Online, Vladimir Dolgov gave a presentation of the updated functionality and new features in the online booking system acase.ru.

During the two days of the congress there were more than 20 speeches in various formats: Presentations, master classes, sessions, seminars and evening entertainment program with a buffet and prize drawing.

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