+7 495 660-90-90

The “Onegin” hotel, which located in Yekaterinburg, is the winner of the national competition “Best hotels of Russian Federation – 2011”. Also, from results of the analysis the hotel is included in official list named “Safety reputation”.

The group of experts estimated representatives of hospitality industry by the main criterias. The “Onegin hotel” differed from the other hotels of the Ural capital whole number of benefits. Among them: successful located, unique interiors, high level of service and advanced infrastructure. Also made a note of wide spectrum of additional facilities and services.

The “Onegin hotel” worthful put up not one famous guest. Among them – a “father” of “Eralash” Boris Grachevskiy, the Olympic Champion of graeco-roman fight Alexander Karelin, a famous conductor Vladimir Spivakiov and many other.

You can obtain detailed information concerning the hotel’s facilities, services, room rates, location, and book a room on Academservice’s web-site in the section Hotels.
Like most of the hotels on Academservice’s web-site, the Onegin hotel is a member of Best Eurasian Hotels, the marketing chain established for consolidated promotion of hotels in the territory of the former USSR onto different markets. Best Eurasian Hotels promotes hotels in Global, Alternative and Regional reservation systems, provides hotel services marketing support on the Internet, in consortia programs, mass media, organizes specialized conferences, seminars and trainings for hotel staff, represents hotels on first-rate international and internal travel exhibitions, annually publishes one of the most complete catalogues of hotels in the territory of the former USSR. Academservice is a travel partner of Best Eurasian Hotels. Apart from accommodation in 1200 hotels 3-5* of all ex-USSR countries, Academservice also provides an extensive range of travel services: transfers, transport service, visa support, air travel, VIP service in the airports, railway travel, excursions, river cruises. Academservice provides comprehensive support to organizers of conferences, business meetings, seminars, exhibitions, musical and theatre tours, sports events, etc.
Information concerning the hotel is valid for the moment of the news publication and may be changed or updated by the hotel without prior notice.

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