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The 20th ceremony of the main Russian theatre award "Golden Mask" was held in Moscow on April 18, 2014 at the Bolshoi Theatre. It is to be recalled that on 9th December, 2013 the Russian Union of Theatre Workers made a decision to give the national theatrical award «Golden Mask» in the category «For support of Russian theatrical art» to Academservice. The honorary award was given from the hands of the general director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin to the vice president Eugeni Lipets.

The «Golden Mask» national theatrical award was founded in 1993 by the Russian Union of Theatre Workers. For all time of existence this award was given to such famous companies as Sberbank of Russia, Alfa-Bank, Aeroflot, Mikhail Prohorov’s Fund, Kommersant publishing house, Eurocement Group, Nestle, Bosco di Ciliegi, and others.

Academservice offers a full range of travel services in 350 cities of Russia and other countries of the former USSR: hotel accommodation in 2000 hotels 2-5*, transfers, transport service, visa support, air travel, VIP service in the airports, railway travel, excursions, river cruises. Academservice provides comprehensive support to organizers of conferences, business meetings, seminars, exhibitions, musical and theatre tours, sports events, etc. Academservice is a partner and travel operator of Best Eastern Hotels (Best Eurasian Hotels) established as a marketing chain for consolidated promotion of hotels in the territory of the former USSR onto the world market.

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