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February 2, 2015 a conference with international participation "Clinical guidelines - modern approaches to methodology and implementation mechanisms" took place at the InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya Hotel. The organizational partner became ACADEMSERVICE company.

The conference was attended by over 140 delegates. The report of Amir Kassim (USA), the President and Chairman of the international community “Guidelines International Network”, on the international experience of creating clinical practice guidelines aroused great interest among Russian colleagues. Alexander Chuchalin, the chief non-staff therapist-pulmonologist at the Ministry of Healthcare became the chairman of the conference. Deputy Minister of Healthcare of the Russian Federation Igor Kagramanyan welcomed the participants and a plenary report was made by Igor Nikitin, the Director of the Department of medical care of the Ministry of Healthcare.

ACADEMSERVICE offers a full range of travel services in 380 cities of Russia and other countries of the former USSR: accommodation in 2100 hotels, transport service, visa support, VIP service in the airports, excursions, river cruises. ACADEMSERVICE provides comprehensive support to organizers of conferences, business meetings, seminars, exhibitions, sport events, concert and theatre tours. ACADEMSERVICE is a partner and travel operator of Best Eurasian Hotels, established as a marketing chain for consolidated hotel promotion onto the world trade and travel markets.

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