+7 495 660-90-90

On February 15 – 21 guests of Academservice will be

Academservice organizes business trips, seminars and conferences, major political and business forums, sports events, theatre and musical tours. Academservice offers a full range of services for organizers of MICE and special events (meeting rooms and equipment, exhibitions, hotel accommodation, transport service, social program and gala-dinners, guide and interpreter service, PR assistance, floristics etc.).

During the weeks of February 15 – 21 Academservice provides travel service to:

 • Over The Rainbow band who will perform the first concert of their world tour on February 18 at the B1 Maximum club in Moscow featuring Jonny Lynn Turner (vocals), Bobby Rondinelli (drums), Tony Carey (keyboards), Greg Smith (bass), and Jurgen Richard Blackmore, the son of the famous Ritchie Blackmore,
 • The celebrated Choir of Michael Turetsky presenting the new performance The Show Must Go On at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall in St.Petersburg on February 18, 19, 20 and 21,
 • Ivan Alexeev, best known as Noize MC, a Russian hip-hop figure, singer and composer, who will perform in St.Petersburg on February 21,
 • Opeth, a Swedish band first coming to Russia before European concert tour with their new album Watershed.

Academservice is one of the world leading incoming travel companies operating in Russia and other countries of the former USSR. Academservice provides the following travel services: hotel accommodation in 800 hotels 3-5*, transfers, transport services, visa support, air travel, VIP service in the airports, railway travel, excursions, river cruises.

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E-mail: info@acase.ru
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