+7 495 660-90-90

7-9 of November 2016, at “ExCel” in London will take place the 35th international trade fair for travel and tourism World Travel Market 2016 (WTM).

Academservice will traditionally take part in this exhibition. It will be represented on the jointed stand of Russia – EU550 (West Entrance, North Hall) and will be glad to meet its partners.

Moreover participants and visitors can take part in presentations, seminars, conferences and other events, hold bilateral meetings to establish new business contacts and to move forward new projects.

The address of the exhibition space: 1 Western Gateway, Royal Victoria Dock, London Docklands, E16 1XL.

The nearest subway station (DLR): «Custom House for Excel».

You can book hotels of St. Petersburg on ACADEMSERVICE web-site in the section Hotels.
ACADEMSERVICE offers a full range of travel services in 400 cities of Russia and other countries of the former USSR: accommodation in 3900 hotels, transport service, visa support, VIP service in the airports, excursions, river cruises. ACADEMSERVICE provides comprehensive support to organizers of conferences, business meetings, seminars, exhibitions, sport events, concert and theatre tours. ACADEMSERVICE is a partner and travel operator of Best Eurasian Hotels, established as a marketing chain for consolidated hotel promotion onto the world trade and travel markets.

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