+7 495 660-90-90

Hotel B.60

Group booking policy.
  • For the period 25.06.2021-31.12.2100 a group is considered a reservation for the same date 6 persons or more.
You can send your group booking by e-mail: group@acase.ru
项目参与方" Best Eurasian Hotels "
Hotel B.60
地址: 60 1st Brestskaya street, Moscow City, Moscow, 125047, Russia
官方标准: 4 stars, 有效期至 13.04.2027
客房/楼层数: 42/7
建设/改建年份: 1935/2021
距离中心的距离: Moscow City - 2,94 km
最近的地铁站: Belorusskaya - Koltsevaya line - 0,35 km, Belorusskaya - Zamoskvoretskaya line - 0,35 km, Mayakovskaya - Zamoskvoretskaya line - 0,84 km
机场: Sheremetyevo - 24,63 km, Vnukovo - 27,72 km, Ostafyevo - 30,65 km, International airport Zhukovsky - 40,94 km, Zhukovsky - 41,04 km
火车站: Belorussky - 0,37 km, Savelovsky - 2,13 km, Rizhsky - 3,53 km
景点: Moscow Academic Satira Theatre - 0,95 km, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall - 0,95 km, Bulgakov Museum - 1 km, Bulgakov's House-Museum - 1 km, Mossovet State Academic Theatre - 1,03 km
Group booking policy.
For the period 25.06.2021-31.12.2100 a group is considered a reservation for the same date 6 persons or more.
You can send your group booking by e-mail: group@acase.ru
Elevator Office services (fax, copier) Bar Laundry service Dry cleaning service Wi-Fi in business centre Wi-Fi in public areas Taxi Air / railway tickets Accommodation with pets Restaurant Transfer English-speaking staff Room-service, limited service Air conditioning in all rooms Safe deposit box in all rooms Phone in all rooms Refrigerator in all rooms Bathrobe in all rooms Slippers in all rooms Shower in all rooms Hair dryer in all rooms Wi-Fi in all rooms

The B.60 Hotel is a boutique hotel with author's design solutions constructed by the Front Architecture bureau. The Hotel located near the Belorussky railway station (300 metres) on 1-st Brestskaya Street, just a 35 minute ride by Aeroexpress trains and a 20 minute drive by car along the highway M11 to Sheremetyevo International Airport, which makes it accessible and convenient for exploring the cultural and business life of the capital of the Russian Federation.

B.60 hotel offers a 24-hour restaurant and bar, beauty services in the room from Lanna Kamilina, special prices for visiting the World Class Tverskaya fitness club and a meeting room.

The B.60 Hotel provides guests a lot of opportunities: 42 spacious, excellently equipped rooms, everything you need both for productive work and for good rest. Enjoy the highest level of service in several room categories of your choice: Deluxe, Superior and Suite.

The B.60 Hotel is trying to be perfect in every detail: we do everything to make guests feel at home in our hotel. Join to the «B.60 Hotel» and enjoy true comfort and excellent service with us.

E-mail: info@acase.ru
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