+7 495 660-90-90

Hotel Vizit

Group booking policy.
  • For the period 31.07.2017-31.12.2100 a group is considered a reservation for the same date 6 rooms or more.
You can send your group booking by e-mail: group@acase.ru
项目参与方" Best Eurasian Hotels "
Hotel Vizit
地址: 11/3 Stroitelnaya street, Saransk City, Mordoviya republic, 430000, Russia
官方标准: No stars, 有效期至 13.12.2026
客房/楼层数: 13/2
建设/改建年份: 1975/2006
距离中心的距离: Saransk City - 3,3 km
机场: Saransk - 7,66 km, Penza - 121,23 km, Tsentralny - 199,99 km
火车站: Saransk - 2,4 km, Ardatov - 94,44 km, Lukoyanov - 102,13 km
景点: Mordoviya Sport Complex - 0,14 km, Aal-Mansur Mosque - 1,35 km, Kroshka Children Theatre - 1,79 km, Mordovexpocentre - 2,59 km, Philharmonic Hall - 2,59 km
Group booking policy.
For the period 31.07.2017-31.12.2100 a group is considered a reservation for the same date 6 rooms or more.
You can send your group booking by e-mail: group@acase.ru
Guarded parking Safe in the reception Laundry service Wi-Fi in public areas Taxi Newspapers Indoor swimming pool Sauna Air conditioning in all rooms Slippers in all rooms Wi-Fi in all rooms

The Visit Hotel is located within a few minutes' drive from the city centre, away from major highways.

The hotel offers accommodation in 13 comfortable rooms, including 6 Standards and 7 Suites. The rooms, each with its own style, are fitted with fridges, TVs, and hair-dryers.

The hotel has a restaurant, offering breakfast and business lunch, a bar, and a round-the-clock sauna. Private vehicles can be left at the secured parking.

E-mail: info@acase.ru
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