+7 495 660-90-90

Hotel Winterfell on Baumanskaya

Group booking policy.
  • For the period 06.12.2021-31.12.2100 a group is considered a reservation for the same date 3 rooms or more.
You can send your group booking by e-mail: group@acase.ru
Hotel Winterfell on Baumanskaya
地址: Building 1, 2/2 Malaya Pochtovaya street, Moscow City, Moscow, 105005, Russia
官方标准: No stars, 有效期至 16.03.2026
客房/楼层数: 100/2
建设/改建年份: 2015/2017
距离中心的距离: Moscow City - 4,54 km
最近的地铁站: Baumanskaya - Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line - 0,53 km, Krasnoselskaya - Sokolnicheskaya line - 1,69 km, Elektrozavodskaya - Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line - 1,82 km
机场: Sheremetyevo - 28,42 km, Ostafyevo - 31,68 km, Vnukovo - 32,15 km, Zhukovsky - 35,72 km
火车站: Kazansky - 1,9 km, Yaroslavsky - 1,95 km, Leningradsky - 2,06 km
河港: Yuzhny river terminal - 8,94 km
景点: Moscow Puppet Theatre - 0,63 km, Lefortovo Park - 0,71 km, Bogoyavlensky Cathedral - 0,77 km, Elokhovsky Cathedral - 0,77 km, The Modern Theatre - 0,83 km
Group booking policy.
For the period 06.12.2021-31.12.2100 a group is considered a reservation for the same date 3 rooms or more.
You can send your group booking by e-mail: group@acase.ru
Wi-Fi in public areas Transfer Luggage storage Facilities (WC and bathroom) on the floor English-speaking staff Hair dryer upon request Iron upon request Kettle upon request Room-service, limited service Available rooms with air conditioning Wi-Fi in all rooms

Hotel Winterfell on Baumanskaya is in 5-minutes' walk from the Baumanskaya metro station. The interior of the hotel is decorated in bright colors with elements of the decor from the popular TV series "Games of Thrones." Reception is open 24/7. Wi-Fi is available.

All rooms are equipped with air conditioning. Guests have access to shared bathroom facilities.

For the convenience of guests there is a fully equipped kitchen with stove, microwave, electric kettle and other equipment.

There are 24-hour cafes and shops within 2-minutes' walk.

E-mail: info@acase.ru
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