+7 495 660-90-90


Official name: Republic of Georgia

Political system: Republic

The head of the state: President

Legislature: One-chamber parliament - Supreme Council

Geographical location: in the South-Western Asia

Capital: Tbilisi - 1,093 million people

Major cities: Kutaisi, Rustavi, Batumi, Zugdidi, Gori

Official language: Georgian

Religions: primarily Orthodox

Climate: subtropical in the West, transitional from subtropical to moderate in the East

Average temperature: +0,9°C in January; +24,4°C in July

Monetary unit: lari (GEL)

Telephone country code: 995

International country code: GEO

Internet domain: .ge

National holidays: May, 26th - the Independence Day (1991)

Major tourist sights: 15 natural preserves, Tbilisi National natural park, mineral water springs in Borjomi and Tskhaltubo; Gagra, Pitsunda, Kobuleti sea resorts; Abastumani, Bakuriani mountain resorts; Tbilisi balneological resort; in Mtskheta: Acropolis (IV-I centuries B.C.), Djvari Temple (VI century), Svetitskhoveli Cathedral (X-XI centuries); in Tbilisi: Sion Temple (V century), Anchiskhati Church (VI century), Metechi Church (XIII century); Ananuri Castle Fortress, Gelat Monastery (XII century), I.Stalin Cottage Museum in Gory

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