For the purposes of this Hotel and Other Services Booking Policy of ACADEMSERVISE LLC (registered with the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators under registration number РТО 000001, having a letter of guarantee of CB “LOKO-Bank” (AO) (location and postal address: 125167, Moscow, Leningradsky prosp., d. 39, p. 80, corr. account No. 30101810945250000161, BIC 044525161, TIN 7750003943, General license for banking operations No. 2707 dated 14.09.2015) No. LB1411183251 dated 14.11.2018 for 10,000,000 (Ten million) rubles till 09.02.2020), the following basic notions shall be equally applicable both in the singular and in plural:
1.1.Academservice–ACADEMSERVICE Limited Liability Company - (Location: 143405, Russia, Moscow obl., Krasnogorsk, Iljinskoe sh., d 4, pom. I, kom. 9, Primary State Registration Number (OGRN) 1025002864226, Taxpayer ID Number (INN)/Record Validity Code (КPP) 5024053441/502401001, international and domestic tour operator registration number РТО 000001),represented, inter alia, web-site.
1.2.Customer–any individual or corporate entity making orient ending to make use of Academservice’s Services, inter alia, via web-site. The Customer may be a non-resident of the Russian Federation, and such relations to be regulated by the norms of the Russian legislation.
1.3.Client, Customer’s Employee–the end-user of hotel and other services reserved via Academservice. In some cases, the Client and the Customer may be one and the same person or entity.
1.4.Parties/Party–the Customer and/or Academservice.
1.5.Agreement–a written agreement between the Customer and Academservice for the purposes of establishing, modifying or terminating civil rights and obligations of the Parties in the course of rendition of services.
The integral parts of the Agreement are the following: this Hotel and Other Services Booking Policy of ACADEMSERVICE LLC and, should the Parties execute such, an XML-connection Agreement. All abovementioned documents shall be binding for the Parties, and shall complement and elaborate one another so far as there is no conflict between them.
1.6.Services – the following services rendered by Academservice:
- hotel Bookings;
- visa support arrangements;
- Booking of chauffeur-driven hire cars for client conveyance;
- sightseeing and escort interpreting arrangements;
- catering;
- Booking of conference rooms, procurement of special-purpose equipment and interpreting services;
- other services agreed upon by the Parties.
1.7. Policy, Booking Policy–thisHotel and Other Services Booking Policy of ACADEMSERVISE LLCavailable for public access atwww.acase.ruorprovided to the Customer on request.
1.8. Booking System, System–computer-aided Booking system of Academservice,whereby the Customer can make reservations.
1.9. Booking–directreservation of hotel and other servicesto be laterconsumed by the Client or the Customer’s Employee.
1.10. Reservation Request orApplication–a request from the Customer for aspecific Booking and/orplacing an order forhotel and/or other servicesaddressed toAcademservice.
1.11. Booking Acknowledgement– reply of Academservice toa Reservation Requestin the form of a notification specified «RESERVED».
1.12. Order–a service or alist of services, assigned with a uniqueID number of the Booking System of Academservice. ID numbers of the Request and the Order shall be the same.
1.13. Rate–the price for hotel and other servicesoffered to the Customerwhich issetin the Booking System of Academserviceor provided on request.
1.14. XML-connection Agreement–an agreement between the Parties concerning cooperation viaXML-connection ofthe computer-aided Booking system of Academservice withthe Customer’s computer system via the Internet.
1.15. Territory –a country where the hoteland/or other services arerendered.
1.16. Vendor–any vendor of hotel and other services for the Clientthe offers for which are placed and/or provided on the Customer’s request.
1.17. Passenger–any end-user of transfer services (where “transfer” meansPassenger and luggage carriage byground transport).
2.1.Using Academservice’s Services implies acceptance by the Customer of all rules, terms and notices to be found at Academservice’s web-site (, or mentioned in the Agreement, if such is executed by the Parties, and in the XML-connection Agreement, if such is executed by the Parties.
2.2.If the Customer does not agree with the rules and terms of rendition of the Services, he shall not make Booking since Booking is regarded by Academservice as acceptance by the Customer of the offer made by Academservice (Art. 434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Acceptance is to be made on a voluntary basis.
2.3.Academservice is neither a hotel owner, nor a carrier, therefore Booking Acknowledgement is made based on the terms and conditions of specific Vendors.
2.4.The Customer acknowledges and agrees that Academservice only functions as an agent for Booking of hotel and other Services and does not independently form or promote(sell) such products.
2.5.When working in the Booking System, the Customer shall make use of the user's guide (directly in the System), abide by the terms of the Agreement, the Booking Policy and XML Agreement. Failure to comply with this provision may result in non receipt of a Request for Booking/modification/termination and/or denial of rendition of Services to the Customer.
2.6.In case the terms and conditions of this Policy, the Agreement and XML-connection Agreement are inconsistent with any Booking Acknowledgement or any other supplement hereto, then, at all events, the only true terms and conditions shall be those of the Agreement – for corporate entities as Customers, and those of this Policy – for physical bodies as Customers. All abovementioned documents shall be binding for the Parties, and shall complement and elaborate one another so far as there is no conflict between them.
2.7.Academservice reserves the right to change or modify this Policy without notice to the Customer. Revised Policy will take effect after its publication at Academservice’s web-site
2.8.Booking Services via Academservice’s System is performed for individual Clients. The System is not intended for tourist groups Bookings. All Requests for group Bookings shall be sent to Academservice via e-mail or by fax. In case a Customer attempts to divide a group into several Bookings, Academservice reserves the right to annul such Bookings, this being understood that any penalties that may arise shall be paid by such Customer.
2.9.Reasons for refusal by Academservice to accept a Request are the following: improper sending thereof, in correct execution, i.e. absence of any information necessary for execution of an Order, or any other external circumstances impeding execution of a given Order.
2.10.Any changes made by the Customer in for warded Reservation Requests (changes in the number of persons, hotel room categories and/or duration of stay, names of the checking-in guests etc.) shall be regarded by Academservice as a new Request cancelling the previous one. This provision shall also be applicable to Orders. If, as a result of changing an Order, any pecuniary sanctions arise on the part of the hotel, then it is the Customer’s responsibility to pay them off.
2.11.A Reservation Request shall be made for actual Clients only. Should it turn out that a Booking has been made to fictitious names in order to book hotel rooms, Academservice reserves the right to cancel such Request/Order, this being understood that any expenses that may arise shall be reimbursed for by such Customer.
2.12.In case the Customer indicates any data in “Additional Information” section of a Request contrary to the main Booking information (different check-in/check-out dates, room categories etc.), such additional information shall be neglected and the relevant Request shall be processed without taking such data into account.
2.13.The Customer agrees that descriptions of hotels and their range of services are based on the information received by Academservice from relevant hotels and may differ from actual situation and/or the Client’s subjective opinion.
2.14.A hotels entitled to charge a Client himself an extra pay or collect a deposit from him for additional services at check-in. The amount of registration fee for Clients being foreign nationals shall be fixed by a hotel at its own discretion.
2.15.Academservice has a right to cancel any Request/Order in case of detection of an error made by Academservice and/or a hotel (or any other Vendor) regarding any requested/ordered services, which shall not be subject to any reimbursement to the Customer apart from the amounts paid as the price of the relevant Order. This provision is introduced to the benefit of the Customer in order to protect the latter from the risk of eventual losses resulting from such errors.
2.16.In case of early termination of use of ordered services on the Customer’s written request, Academservice may refund to the Customer an amount not exceeding the cost of room and board forth unused period beginning from the day following the day when services were discontinued.
2.17.The Customer’s Booking at a hotel remains in force till 24:00of the check-in day (local time). Then the Booking will be cancelled automatically and the Customer will be responsible for paying, through Academservice, any penalties for the reserved yet unused services. For maintaining a Booking at a hotel, Academservice should be informed of a late check-in when executing a Request or in a written form by fax or via e-mail after receiving a Booking Acknowledgement, but not later than the moment a relevant Vendor starts rendering services.
2.18.As a rule, in most hotels the check-in starts at 15:00 and check-out starts at 12:00. These may vary at different hotels. The time for accommodation and check-out will be specified in an Order status notice.
2.19.The Customer has the right to indicate any special wishes in its Request, e.g., non-smoking room, adjoining or adjacent rooms; Academservice, however, does not guarantee satisfaction of such wishes.
3.1.Hotel services Booking rules for corporate entities described herein (taken as a whole, or separate paragraphs thereof),
3.1.1.when not being mentioned in the Agreement, complement the terms and conditions of the latter insofar as they are not contradictory to the Agreement, and the parties thereto will be obliged to conform with the provisions of this Section, as if such were the terms and conditions of the Agreement itself;
3.1.2.if provisions hereof are contradictory to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, then the terms and conditions of the Agreement shall be applicable.
3.2.Services Booking procedure.
3.2.1.In order to use the Services of Academservice, a corporate entity (the Customer) shall provisionally enter into a written Agreement with Academservice and, if necessary, an XML-agreement. The terms and conditions of the Agreement shall prevail over these Rules.
3.2.2.The Customer can forward Reservation Request to Academservice by the following means:
- in online mode, via the Booking System of Academservice;
- via XML-interface;
- by making Bookings at any other Internet sites and/or in any other computer-aided systems for Booking of similar services connected to the Booking System of Academservice;
- by any other writing as specified to the Customer by Academservice.
3.2.3.The Customer acknowledges that Reservation Requests will always be sent by the Customer’s authorized person registered in Academservice’s system. The Customer is responsible for familiarizing it authorized persons with the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the XML-agreement (if any)and these Rules before sending a Request.
3.2.4.Reservation Requests shall be forwarded by the Customer not later than 2 (two) working days before the expected date of beginning of services rendition by the relevant Vendor (before check-in date). In case the Customer deposits an amount to Academservice account serving as a security for fulfillment of the Customer’s obligations under the Agreement (seepar.3.3.7. hereof), the latter will be entitled to send Reservation Requests in less than 2 (two) working days before the expected date of beginning of services rendition.
3.2.5.Upon receiving a Request, Academservice shall, within 24 (twenty-four) hours(except for weekends and public holidays established by the Russian legislation), provide the Customer with a reply in the form of an Order status notice indicating: the unique identification number of the Request and essential conditions of execution thereof (cost (Rate), the date of beginning of services rendition, the rules for cancellation, the amounts and dates of creation of penalties etc.); otherwise, such Notice should contain an explanation why the Request cannot be executed. The Notice may be accompanied by an invoice for payment. If the Customer has made any changes in the Request or the Order, then the only true Notice shall be the one sent to the Customer most recently.
3.2.6.Upon receiving an acknowledgment of Booking from the direct Vendor, Academservice shall, unless otherwise stated in the Agreement, send to the Customer a notice containing a mark «Reserved» (Booking Acknowledgement) and the number of Booking, if such is assigned.
3.2.7.The Customer has the right to change or cancel a Request or an Order previously sent to Academservice either by using the Booking System or by sending an appropriate written notice to Academservice. Any changes to, or cancellations of, a Request/Order shall only be deemed accepted by Academservice subject to receiving by the Customer of a written notice indicating the accepted changes or cancellation. If the Customer does not receive such notice he shall send an additional enquiry to Academservice in order to ascertain the fact of receiving of such changes or cancellations by the latter, otherwise the Customer shall bear the risk of a demand being brought against him for reimbursement of expenses actually incurred by Academservice as a recourse from the vendor of the services reserved.
3.2.8.In exceptional circumstances, Academservice may substitute the hotel indicated in the Acknowledgement for a hotel of similar or higher class in the same city without any changes being made to the Order cost.
3.2.9.In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that Academservice will use personal data of the Client(s)indicated in the Request and received by Academservice in the course of Booking of Services. The period of use of presented personal data shall not be limited in time. The Customer warrants, and is liable fo rthe authenticity of the data indicated in the Request and that such are used with the sanction of the persons whose names appear in the Request.
3.2.10.If the Customer’s client on his/her/its own initiative fails to use the booked services or stops using the ordered services early, the Customer shall provide Academservice with a written Application (the Application template is available at the official website indicating the reason there for within 20 (twenty) days upon the date, when the services have been actually rendered. The date, when the services have been actually rendered shall mean the last day when services are provided to the Customer’s client(in case when no services are provided, the supposed last day of providing services to the Customer’s client, indicated in the Request/Order). Upon the written Application of the Customer Academservice may return the amount payable for the services that have not actually been rendered or set off the funds transferred in excess against the future bookings of the Customer. If Academservice receives no Application from the Customer within 20 (twenty) calendar days upon the date, when the services have been actually rendered, the services shall be considered fully rendered in a complete and timely manner and volume according to Request/Order of the Customer.
3.3.Payment arrangements.
3.3.1.Unless otherwise stated in the Agreement, the payment arrangements between the Parties shall be governed by the terms of these Rules.
3.3.2.The Customer shall pay the invoice for the services received from Academservice on terms of a 100% (one hundred per cent) advance payment from the total cost of the services included in the Order within 3 (three) banking days as of invoice date but not later than 3 (three) banking days before the date of penalty accrual, unless otherwise specified in the Agreement. The payment date shall be the day when monetary resources are credited to Academservice’s account.
3.3.3.An invoice for payment by the Customer may be made via e-mail by means of uploading thereof into the Booking System in electronic format or by any other means specified by Academservice.
3.3.4.Academservice may make up an invoice(s)alongside with the notice on essential conditions of execution of an Order, provided that if the Customer has made any changes to a Request/Order, the only true invoice shall be the one sent to the Customer most recently.
3.3.5.An invoice may be settled by non-cash payment, by credit/debit card, business credit card or by cash in Russian rubles deposited to Academservice’s cash desk. In case of non-cash settlement, the Customer shall indicate the number of the Order in the bank transfer request, or in case of payment for several Orders within the same agreement, the number of such agreement. When making a cash payment to Academservice’s cash desk, the authorized representative of the Customer shall present a letter of attorney empowering him/her to effect such payments and also specify the number of the Request/Order assigned by Academservice which is indicated in the relevant Booking Acknowledgement and is used as an identifier of the Request/Order.
3.3.6.The Customer shall make all reasonable efforts in order to ascertain thatAcademservice receives the money paid by the Customer. The Customers hall in form Academservice about the effected invoice settlement in a timely manner. If the Customer fails to inform Academservice about the effected invoice settlement before expiration of the payment term, Academservice is entitled to cancel the relevant Request.
3.3.7.If contemplated by the Agreement, Academservice has the right to demand from the Customer, and the Customer is obliged to fulfill transfer of depositary (security) funds (further referred to as “Deposit”) in the manner, amount and term specified in the Agreement as a security for the Customer’s pecuniary obligations under the Agreement.
4.1.Services Booking procedure.
4.1.1.In order to start using the Booking System of Academservice an individual (the Customer) shall, guided by prompts from the System, sign in to the System.
4.1.2.In accordance with the laws, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that Academservice will use his/her personal data received by Academservice in the course of Booking of Services. The period of use of presented personal data shall not be limited in time. The Customer warrants, and is liable for the authenticity of the data presented by him/her.
4.1.3.The Customer shall make Bookings via the Booking System of Academservice in online mode. The Customer is entitled to forward his/her Reservation Request to Academservice via e-mail or by fax rather than via the Booking System in online mode.
4.1.4.Academservice shall reply to the Customer in the form of a written notice (an e-mail message) containing: the unique identification number of the Request/Order and essential conditions of execution thereof (the date of beginning of services rendition, the rules for cancellation, the procedure for reimbursement of expenses actually incurred by Academservice/the Vendor(penalties) etc.);otherwise, such notice should contain an explanation why the Request/Order cannot be executed. If the Customer has made any changes in the Request/Order, then the only true notice shall be the one sent to the Customer most recently.
4.1.5.Upon the Customer’s payment for the services ordered, Academservice shall send to the Customer a notice containing a mark “Reserved” (Booking Acknowledgement).
4.1.6.Services are deemed reserved after the Customer receives a notice from Academservice stating that the relevant Order is “reserved”. Such a notice serves as a voucher for checking-in at the hotel if required by the relevant Vendor.
4.1.7.The Customer is entitled to change or cancel, using the Booking System, Requests previously sent to Academservice. Any changes to, or cancellations of Requests/Orders shall only be deemed accepted by Academservice on condition of the Customer’s receiving of a written notice stating the date and time of receiving such changes or cancellations by Academservice. If the Customer does not get such notice, he/she shall turn to Academservice once again in order to ascertain that the latter has received such changes or cancellations; otherwise the Customer shall bear the risk of paying penalties to the Vendor of the services reserved.
4.1.8.If the Customer on his/her/its own initiative fails to use the booked services or stops using the ordered services early, the Customer shall provide Academservice with a written Application (the Application template is available at the official website indicating the reason there for within 20 (twenty) days upon the date, when the services have been actually rendered. The date, when the services have been actually rendered shall mean the last day when services are provided to the Customer(in case when no services are provided, the supposed last day of providing services to the Customer, indicated in the Request/Order). Upon the written Application of the Customer Academservice may return the amount payable for the services that have not actually been rendered or set off the funds transferred in excess against the future bookings of the Customer. If Academservice receives no Application from the Customer within 20 (twenty) calendar days upon the date, when the services have been actually rendered, the services shall be considered fully rendered in a complete and timely manner and volume according to Request/Order of the Customer.
4.2.Payment arrangements.
4.2.1.In order to receive a Booking Acknowledgement, the Customer shall pay the invoice for the services received from Academservice on terms of a 100% (one hundred per cent) advance payment from the total cost of the services included in the Order within the term indicated in such invoice but not later than 3 (three) banking days before the date of penalty accrual.
4.2.2.Requests/Orders payment for which is not made, or made only in part, shall be automatically annulled by Academservice. When making payment for an invoice, the Customer shall indicate there reference number of the relevant Request/Order assigned by Academservice (specified in the Order status notice).
4.2.3.An invoice for payment for a Request/Order may be sent to the Customer via e-mail by means of uploading thereof into the Booking System in electronic format or by any other means specified by Academservice.
4.2.4.Academservice may make up an invoice(s) alongside with the Request/Order status notice, provided that if the Customer has made any changes to a Request/Order, the only true invoice shall be the one sent to the Customer most recently.
4.2.5.Methods of payment acceptable to Academservice:
- Instantaneous payment through Internet using banc cards. Approved for payment are Visa, Master Card and JCB cards.
- Payment by bank transfer. Payment by bank transfer may be effected from any banking facility. Academservice’s banking details will be indicated in the invoice. The payment date will be the day when moneys are credited to Academservice’s operating account. A reference to the number of the relevant order in the remittance order is mandatory. Bank has the right to charge a commission for effecting money transfer at the payer’s expense, yet Academservice will not reimburse such expenses.

Payments through Internet using banc cards are effected by redirecting to Tinkoff electronic payment system web-site. Within Tinkoff system the safety of payments is ensured through implementation of SSL-protocol for the transfer of sensitive information from a client to Tinkoff system server for subsequent processing. Further information transfer is completed through closed banking networks with the highest level of security. Collection and processing of the client’s sensitive information (card details, credentials etc.) are carried out at a processing center, rather than on Academservice’s web-site ( Thus, Academservice has no access to the client’s personal or banking data, including information about purchases made in other shops. When making a payment through Tinkoff system, the card holder automatically receives an e-mail message from Tinkoff informing about debiting money from the bank card account.
4.2.6.When making payments using a bank card, the Customer is obliged to use the bank card issued in the name of the Customer(if payment is made by a Client, he/she is obliged to use the card issued in his/her name). Therewith, Academservice is entitled to demand that the Customer presents original ID documents. Payments will not be accepted and Orders cancelled, if the Customer commits infringement of terms and conditions of payment established by the Russian legislation.
4.2.7.When making payments to Academservice’s cash desk, the Customer shall indicate the following: Request/Order reference number, the Customer’s full name, mobile phone number and-mail address, which serve as identifiers of the Customer and the Order.
5.1. The cost of hotel and other services will be determinedon the basis of the pricesto be found atAcademservice’s web-site ( of the date of the relevant Booking. The cost of Services not mentioned on the web-site will be presented on Request.
5.2. The cost of hotel services indicatedat the front deskmay differ fromthat specifiedin the invoice for payment issued byAcademservice, but the Customerwill determine the place of Booking of a service as of the date of Bookinghimself.
5.3. In the Booking System,depending on a hotel, there may be included rates forboth weekdays andweek-ends, periods ofexhibitions, special events, holidays, sporting and other events,as well aspromo-rates. Special events, e.g., religious holidays, New Year’s Day and majorsporting eventsmayresult in higher rates for certaincities. These are not necessarily periods of exhibitions, but during such periodsthe Rates imposed byAcademservice maybe close to or even exceed the published hotel prices. When making a Booking, the Customer should pay attention tothe applicable Rate.
Certain hotels will applyvarying ratesdepending on Clients’citizenship. It is the responsibility of the Customerto correctly select a Ratein accordance with a Client’s citizenship.
5.4. Certain hotelspublishfloating rateschanging on the daily basis. Academservice will notpay any reimbursements or acceptunderpayment for the reason that Rates imposed by Academservice wereclose to or exceeded the published hotel prices.
5.5. Academservice’s system of extra charges for non-standardcheck-inand/or transfer maydiffer fromthat established at a hotel and indicated at the front desk. Such differencewill be due toparticularities of the agreement between Academservice and the relevant hotel.
5.6. Most hotelsrequire a credit cardat check-in for the purpose of covering any incidental expenses. In case of absence of a credit carda hotelmayrequirea cash deposit. The amount of such depositwill be determined by a hotel at its own discretion. Anyadditional charges should be paiddirectly to the relevant hotelbefore check-out.
6.1. The cost of transfer (passenger and luggage carriage by ground transport) is made up of carriers’ tariffs and taxes imposed under the Russian legislation.
6.2. The time of transfer serving will be calculated in keeping with common local traffic operation. The time of serving may differ during public holidays and other events taking place in the city. In case of unanticipated accidents/traffic jams or any other circumstances arising in the course of transfer and resulting from a missed flight, train or other transport means, Academservice will not be liable for any additional expenditures subsequently incurred by Clients.
6.3.Waiting time:
6.3.1.In Moscow and Saint Petersburg:
- at airports - 2 hours from the time specified in the Request/Order;
- at railway stations – 30 minutes (passenger cars), 1 hour (microbuses) from the time specified in the Request/Order. The Clients must wait at the location and time specified in the voucher or other documents issued to the Client by the Customer.
6.3.2. In the regions:
- at airports on domestic flights – 45 minutes after arrival;
- at airports on international flights - 45 minutes after arrival;
- at railway stations – 20 minutes after arrival of the train;
- at hotels and other locations – 20 minutes from the time specified in the Request/Order;
The Clients must wait at the location and time specified in the voucher or other documents issued to the Client by the Customer.
If a Client may require increasing the waiting time, the payment for the actual waiting time must be confirmed upon execution of Request/Order.
6.4. If a Client fails to appear at the location specified in a voucher or other document issued to the Client by the Customer within the time specified in cl. 6.3 hereof, the vehicle leaves the transfer serving location and the Customer shall pay the actual expenditures incurred by Academservice in the amount of 100% (one hundred per cent) of the cost of services.
6.5. If Clients travel with infants or small children, they are responsible for bringing and installing a respective baby seat. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in refusal of the vendor to render the service to the Client without reimbursement of the cost of the service.
6.6. If a Client carries bulky luggage, the Customer must note this in the Request/Order forwarded to Academservice. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in refusal of the vendor to render the service to the Client without reimbursement of the cost of the service, provided also that the Customer will be obliged to pay all vendor’s penalties placed against Academservice.
6.7. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that Clients’ contact details, e.g., personal mobile phone number, presented to Academservice are accurate.
6.8. For transfers in Moscow from Sheremetyevo Airport, Terminals D, E and Domodedovo after passing through passport and customs control, customers should contact the Academservice counter (location diagrams are shown on the website in the contacts section).
At airports Sheremetyevo, Terminals B, F, Vnukovo and Zhukovsky customers are met with signs.
In case a VIP lounge at the airport upon arrival and transfer from the airport are ordered, a representative of “Academservice” meets the Client at the VIP lounge.
6.9. In hotels, a driver will be waiting for Clients with a placard specified in the Request/Order at the reception, unless another location of waiting is specified in the Request/Order. If the hotel rules do not permit waiting with a placard at the reception, the driver will be waiting the Clients by the exit from the hotel lobby or at the exit outside the hotel.
6.10. At railway stations a driver will be waiting for Clients near the coach with a placard specified in the Request/Order. If no coach number is specified in the Request/Order, the driver will meet the client at the head of the train, provided it is possible to get to the platform. If it is not possible, the driver will be waiting at the exit from the closed area of the railway station.
6.11. Unless another waiting place is specified in the Request/Order, upon transfer serving at the address, the driver will be waiting at the entrance in a car with a placard on the windscreen as specified in the Request/Order.
6.12. If a Client fails to take his/her transfer at the fixed time, he/she shall immediately call a duty attendant of “Academservice” using the telephone number specified in the voucher/transfer acknowledgement notice.
6.13. During the transfer, unscheduled visits to an additional address are not admitted.
If a Client may need to go to an additional address, this fact must be specified upon execution of Request/Order subject to additional payment confirmation.
6.14. Registration of Requests / Orders for organized transportation of a group of children (8 or more persons).
When ordering a transfer for an organized transportation of a group of children, one should indicate the person who prepares the documents for the transportation Client or Academservice by making note in the comments to the Request / Order.
6.14.1. In case when the Client prepares the documents for an organized transportation, then the date and time of submission of the transfer and driver information by Academservice should be specified in the comments.
6.14.2. In the event that the documents for registration of an organized transportation of a group of children are issued by Academservice, the Client must provide the following information: When ordering 1 or 2 buses, to let Academservice to send the notification to the traffic police (which is to be sent at least 4 working days before the start of transportation), the following information is to be provided to Academservice:
- date, time and place of provision of vehicles;
- transportation route;
- number of children;
- number of accompanying persons;
- approximate time of the end of transportation;
The list of passengers (at least 3 working days), where the following data should be indicated:
- full name; date, month, year of birth; phone number of one of the parents; list of the accompanying persons (names in full) and their phone numbers;
Plan for the children’ seating in the bus (can be filled in when boarding the bus).
Traffic plan / route (at least 3 working days before start). When ordering 3 buses or more, to let Academservice to send an application for escort to the traffic police (to be sent at least 12 working days before the start of transportation), to provide Academservice with the following data:
- date, time and place of delivery of vehicles;
- transportation route;
- number of children;
- number of the accompanying persons;
- approximate time of the end of transportation;
List of passengers (minimum 3 working days before the start)
- full name;
- date, month, year of birth;
- phone number of one of the parents;
- list of the accompanying persons (in full) and their phone numbers;
Plan for the children’ seating in the bus.
7.1.If a hotel is booked through Academservice, then Academservice can provide visa support at the request of the Customer / Client.
7.2. Academservice reserves the right to refuse to provide visa support, if it becomes apparent that visa support is requested solely for the purpose of admitting a Client to the country.
7.3. If Academservice incurs any expenditures in the context of rendition of visa support services to the Customer/a Client, the latter shall reimburse Academservice for such expenses in full on the first written request from Academservice.
In any case, if the Customer / Client cancel a reserved room, and also if the Customer did not use the reserved room, which was booked with visa support from Academservice at the request of the Customer / Client, then the latter is obligated to pay the costs for the implementation of visa support amounting to 3 000 (three thousand) rubles.
8.1.In addition to the liability for failure to perform or improper performance of their obligations in the course of rendition of Services envisaged by the Agreement and/or this Policy, the Parties will bear responsibility as set forth by the Russian legislation.
8.2.The Customer is liable for complying with this Booking Policy, including by his Clients, as well as for any material damage or damage to goodwill of Academservice.
8.3.The person executing and forwarding a Request will represent the interests of all persons included in such Request and will be responsible to Academservice for accuracy of the data presented in the Request, as well as for complying of all persons included in the Request with their obligations, including but not limited to, obligations to pay for the services ordered and to compensate Academservice for expenses actually in cured by the latter in cases stipulated by this Policy and the Agreement. Academservice will not be liable for any damages incurred by the Customer or any third party as a result of in accuracy or insufficiency of the information provided by the Customer when making Bookings.
8.4.Changes to or cancellation of a Request/Order made after a penalty date indicated in the relevant Booking Acknowledgement, as well as non-arrival of the Customer’s Client or Employee at the place of the beginning of Services rendition, result in the Customer’s payment of penalties imposed by the relevant Vendor in the amount specified in the Booking Acknowledgement.
8.5.Unless otherwise specified in the relevant Order status notice, cancellation of an Order by the Customer within less than25 (twenty-five) hours before the Vendor starts rendering services (taking into account hotel check-out hour and local time), as well as non-arrival of Clients to the place of the beginning of Services rendition will result in the Customer’s reimbursement to Academservice in the amount of cash expenditures of the latter made or incurred in the course of execution of the Customer’s Request including room and board costs, transport services and other acknowledged services as per the relevant Order for the first day of the Clients servicing (unless otherwise specified in the Order status notice).
8.6.Unless otherwise specified in the relevant Order status notice, cancellation of an Order by the Customer within less than25 (twenty-five) hours before the Clients check-in, whether or not there was a Booking Acknowledgement in respect of the relevant Application available as of the date of cancellation, will result in the Customer’s reimbursement to Academservice in the amount of cash expenditures of the latter made or incurred in the course of execution of the Customer’s Request including room and board costs, transport and other ordered services for the first day of servicing (unless otherwise specified in the Order status notice).
8.7.The Customer is absolutely liable under the Russian legislation for the damage caused to the ultimate Services Vendor by the person(s)included in the Request/Order and using the reserved services.
8.8.Academservice will not be liable for non-conformity of the executed Order to the Client’s subjective evaluation, as well as for any short coming so deficiencies in the operation of airlines, railways, hotels and other accommodation facilities, transport and other companies providing the relevant services. Academservice will not be liable for information about services provided to the Customer’s Client/Employee directly by the relevant Vendor (hotel, airline, railway, motor carrier etc.).
8.9.Academservice will not be responsible to the Customer and/or his Client for any requests/ changes/can collations made by the Customer or his representative directly with the relevant Vendor. All cancellations and changes concerning Orders placed with Academservice are to be made through Academservice as well.
8.10.The Customer is responsible for accurate execution of Reservation Requests, selection of the Rate according to citizenship of the relevant Client and the Customer’s and / or Client’s permission to enter the territory, organization, facilities which require special authorization for foreign citizens to enter. The Customer assumes all adverse effects of inaccurate, incomplete execution of the Request and the absence of necessary permits for the Client and / or its employees.
8.11.The Parties will not be liable for non-performance or improper performance of their obligations if they manage to prove that this was caused by occurrence of circumstances outside their control (wars, acts of God, fires, typhoons, tornados, epidemics, changes to visa regime, decisions of government and administrative authorities, and any other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Parties). In case of occurrence of such circumstances each Party must notify the other Party there of as soon as practicable.
9.1.In case any claims arise from the Customer in the course of rendition of the Services reserved, the Customer (the Customer’s representative, the end-user of the services ordered) shall commit this claim to writing and have it certified by the hotel representative or the relevant Vendor of services the quality of which was not to the Customer’s satisfaction, such certification evidencing impossibility of satisfying the claim then and there. If the cause of the claim cannot be eliminated then and there, then the Customer shall address Academservice in writing having attached the Client’s claim and documents evidencing unsatisfactory rendition of services within 20 (twenty) days from the date of ceasing the use of the services ordered.
9.2.If the Customer fails to forward a claim to Academservice within the term specified in cl.9.1. herein, such claim shall not be subject to consideration by Academservice.
9.3.Within 10 (ten) working days, Academservices hall either indemnify the damages or present a written justified refusal. In any case, the amount of damages to be indemnified by Academservice shall not exceed 100% (one hundred per cent) of the cost of the Services included in the relevant Order.
9.4.In case its claim is not resolved extra judicially, the relevant Party is entitled to file a lawsuit for dispute settlement in the court of the Claimant jurisdiction.
10.1.Any information found on Academservice’s web-site (, including data, special offers, charts, photographs, illustrations, logos, icons, pictures, software, audio and video records, trademarks, slogans and other materials, copyrights and other intellectual property rights protected by law are the property of Academservice, its affiliates, partners, agents and other involved parties acting on behalf of Academservice. Academservice does not guarantee the quality of information provided by third parties.
10.2.On its web-site, Academservice places web-links to other sites, but Academservice will not be liable for the contents of such other sites. The presence of a web-link on Academservice’s web-site making possible passage to another site does not mean or imply that Academservice approves of, or recommends, the contents of a site which does not belong to Academservice.