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ROSNANO 2009 and Academservice

Director General of RUSNANO Anatoly Chubais thanked Academservice and all its staff members who participated in organizing the Second Nanotechnology International Forum which was held October 6–8, 2009 in Moscow Central Exhibition Complex “Expocentre”.

The plenary session of the Forum was opened by the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, who emphasized importance of nanotechnology development for national economy.

Forum events were also attended by Sergey Ivanov, the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government, Boris Gryzlov, the Chairman of the State Duma, and other public officers. The leaders of the state visited the exhibition of the latest nanotechnology developments, paying special attention to the exhibits presented by Russian participants.

The key topics on the Forum’s business agenda were: using nanotechnologies in conventional and hi-tech industries, identifying promising areas of nanotechnology development and generating nanotechnology project strategies, building up sound financial and technological infrastructure for the innovation economy, training academic managers.

The Forum involved over 11,000 politicians, businessmen, and scientists from Russia and other countries. The nanotechnology project exhibition was visited by over 10,000 people.

Source: http://rusnanotech09.rusnanoforum.ru
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