+7 495 660-90-90

    Based upon the Federal law of 05.02.2007 №12-F3 “The modifications in the Federal law “The bases of tourist activity in the Russian Federation” (in force since 01.06.2007) «with the purpose to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the citizens and legal person, the tour operator’s activity on the territory of the Russian Federation is authorized to legal person only in the presence of the contract of third party liability insurance for non-performance or inadequate execution of obligations under the contract for realization of tourist product or bank guarantee of execution of obligations under the contract for realization of tourist product (further also – financial provision).
    All the tour operators registered on the territory of the Russian Federation should have the financial provision according to the Federal law “About the state registration of legal persons and private entrepreneurs.”
    The information about a tour operator, which has financial provision, inscribes in the common federal tour operators` list.»

Academservice Ltd. number in the common list is 000001 with 10 million rubles bank guarantee.
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Register tour operator`s number РТО 000001
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