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The Winner of All-Russian IT-solutions Contest was Named in the Category, Supervised by Academservice

The winners of All-Russian competition «Innovative IT-solutions for tourism» were named. The competition is held by the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) and the Skolkovo Foundation.

«Academservice» acted as the curator of the nomination «The best IT-solutions for the promotion of tourist services and destinations». The company was represented at the competition by the Head of the IT Department Vladimir Dolgov as a jury member.

A high-profile award ceremony took place on September 7 at the Skolkovo Technopark. There are eight of the best IT projects, supported by experts, were named. Neutrotrend became the winner of the contest in the nomination supervised by Academservice. Company offered a project based on neuromarketing technologies.

Neutrotrend offers to use neuromarketing techniques for creating travel package and communications in the tourism sector. Neuromarketing is a technique that allows synchronously recording the customer's psychophysiological reactions. It helps to choose the best vacation offer for a tourist.

According to the executive director of ATOR Maya Lomidze, the board of directors of the Association of Tour Operators will provide a semi-annual PR package to the winners in all nominations and an annual package in the supervised nomination. The curators of the nominations will also offer special prizes to the winners. Besides, the Skolkovo Foundation will provide projects with the opportunity to obtain the status of a Fund member, bypassing the standard procedure.

Winners could contact the jury for help in finding tools for further financing (commercialization) of projects, as well as take advice from jury members on the further project development.

Source: www.atorus.ru/news/press-centre/new/44391.html

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